Vocational German language class (DeuFöV) with BAMF supportIf you finished the integration course successfully or you already have level B1 in German language, youhave the opportunity to take part in a vocational German class Basismodul B1-B2 (DeuFöV) in our school. These classes are for all people who want to improve their German language knowledges regarding theworking perspectives in Germany.Course prerequisite and CostsIf you are searching for a job or you are unemployed and registered at the Jobcenter, you will receive apermission for a vocational German class for level B1-B2 from your advisor at the Jobcenter. With thatpermission the participation is free. If you already work you can get a permission from BAMF. In this case you have to pay 207 € per modul onyour own.ContentIn these classes you will improve your knowledge in the areas of listening comprehension, readingcomprehension as well as writing and speaking based on the European reference framework. Besidesgrammar you will learn the vocabulary which you need for your job. We put the main emphasis oncommunication which you need at work.Linguistic precondition: level B1Unfortunately we cannot offer these classes for people without permission from Jobcenter or BAMF.RegistrationFor your registration we need the following documents:-permission from BAMF / Jobcenter-passport-certificate B1 or DTZ with result B1If you do not have a certificate or if your certificate is older than 6 months, we would ask you to do a free leveltest in our school. Additional information can be found here (BAMF.de)